G0ldenFalc0n7 Mission (b)Log

Mission Report: Operation Headroom

We grow closer to the final hour. I'm growing restless - but know that this is paramount to survival.

Gadget Review: The Latest in Vintage Tech

The latest in vintage tech is... well, vintage.

Trench Coats grew out of fashion in the mid 1990s for a reason that nobody wants to talk about, but they can hold a LOT of gear.

G0ldenFalc0n7 Mission (b)Log

Mission Report: Silent Cipher

This morning's decrypt of NICC comms yielded something interesting. Looks like Simon Letti’s movements are becoming a little more erratic, but nothing too suspicious yet. However, Anna Circoh has been looping back to certain phrases. Patterns in language are worth tracking, especially given how encrypted everything is. She's either re-using a cipher or getting sloppy. Either way, this opens a window.

Tomorrow’s plan: Drop a few breadcrumbs in Dr. Lei’s direction. I’ve got to make sure he doesn’t miss the next big move, or worse, end up on the wrong side of it.

Training Note: Cybersecurity Layering in Physical Spaces

I can’t stress enough how important it is to layer your security—digitally and physically. Yeah, I know you’re probably rolling your eyes, but listen, layering isn't just for networks. I once saw someone get completely wrecked on an op because they underestimated the importance of physical security. Think door sweeps, alarms, the works.

Pro tip: Always keep a USB condom in your kit. I don't care how secure you think a charging station is, if you're on a mission, don't trust anything that isn’t yours.

Gadget Review: D-Drone Signal Interceptor

The D-Drone Signal Interceptor? Absolute game-changer. I used it during a recon op last week—instant neutralization of all nearby drones. We were completely undetected. Plus, it’s compact enough to fit in a small pouch on my belt. Be warned though, it drains battery fast. If you're planning on being in a hostile environment for more than an hour, bring extra power packs.

Mission Report: Operation Echo

Mission update: NICC's intern, NAH, was spotted outside of the basement of GITC. Had a brief interaction and... well, let's just say they’re even more of a puzzle than I expected. Zorglaxian behavior isn’t something I’ve studied deeply, but the despondency seems deeper than just a lack of direction. Maybe they're in over their head, or maybe it’s a long con. Either way, it's hard to tell if they’re an asset or a liability at this point.

I'm planning to tail them a little more closely in the next few days. Circoh’s been giving them too much leeway.

Training Note: Social Engineering Defense Tactics

Here’s a tip: even when you think you’re impervious to social engineering attacks, remember that no one is. I’ve seen highly skilled operatives fold like wet cardboard when hit with the right sequence of seemingly harmless questions. Keep your answers vague, but polite. The key is to never give them the full puzzle piece.

Also, as a rule, never engage too long in casual chats with anyone whose background you haven’t verified twice. Trust me, complacency kills more ops than we care to admit.

Gadget Review: Pocket-Sized Signal Jammer

I finally got around to testing the pocket-sized signal jammer. It’s decent for quick disruption but lacks the range I’d hoped for. You’ll get a solid block within a 50-meter radius, which is fine for most scenarios, but not ideal if you’re dealing with more sophisticated adversaries. It’s best used when you need to create temporary blind spots, especially in public spaces.

Mission Report: Dr. Lei’s Dilemma

Another strange encounter with Dr. Tom Lei today. He’s walking a thin line between loyalty and moral conflict. I can see it in the way he avoids eye contact when Consortium decisions get murky. I've been seeding some information to nudge him in the right direction, but it’s a slow burn. The next week is critical. If he doesn’t make a move soon, I’ll have to rethink my approach.

On a side note, security at Consortium facilities is tighter than ever. Getting in without blowing my cover will be tricky, but it’s doable.

Mission Report: Operation Clocktower

We are ever closer to reckoning. Plans are in motion for this coming year. 207 days, 10 hours, 32 minutes, and 44 seconds to get this right.

Training Note: Network Anomaly Detection

When it comes to anomaly detection in a high-stakes environment, trust your gut but verify with data. Last week, I noticed a slight uptick in pings from NICC’s servers. Nothing too crazy, but enough to raise an eyebrow. Digging deeper showed it was just their routine traffic spike, but this served as a reminder: watch the baselines closely. Anything out of the ordinary, no matter how small, should be flagged and monitored. Trust me, anomalies have a way of snowballing.

Gadget Review: E-Ink Gloves

Tried out the new E-Ink gloves today. Honestly, I’m impressed. These things are subtle, durable, and perfect for missions where you need to take notes or sketch maps on the fly without pulling out a device. The downside? They’re not exactly waterproof. So, you might want to avoid wearing them if you’re planning to wade through rivers or monsoon-level rain.

Mission Report: An Unexpected Contact

Had an unexpected run-in with one of NICC's junior analysts. Not the person I was targeting, but they had interesting things to say about Circoh. Apparently, she's been ramping up her internal meetings and issuing directives that don’t line up with what Simon Letti is saying. I’ll need to investigate this further. If there’s a rift between them, it could be the opening I need to get closer.

For now, I’ll sit back and watch. Moves are being made, and I need to be ready to act.

Plans currently in motion - check back in a few years!